Wednesday 12 June 2013


Have you ever wondered why some people are confident and their confidence is contagious? The secret of the self-confident is in the content or makeup of his or her mind. The difference between a confident person and a timid person is the quality, firmness and clarity of their minds. A confident person has a victor’s mind set while a timid person has a victim’s mind set. Now the question is what is a victor’s mind set?

A victor’s mind set is a set of beliefs, awareness or knowledge that convinces the person that he or she has what it takes to influence, to take charge and to win. It is a special kind of viewpoint that makes it very difficult for you to perceive failure or intimidation. It is different from courage. Courage is the action you take with this mind set even when faced with an impossible, obscured or dreaded situation.

For the self-confident, there is hardly a dead end; dead-ends happen when people lose faith in their ability to move further. You are self-confident when you believe strongly that what you have inside of you is influential enough to push you through the way that the Almighty has made for you. Self-confident people act, and not react. They influence and not respond. The conviction that victory awaits them in the future makes their actions today so contagious that you keep wondering where they get their energy from!

Self-confident people are also people of strong faith or hope. They walk into a room knowing they will leave behind a positive impression, pick up challenges knowing they will handle them, go after the person of their dream knowing it will always end well, serve and pray to their God knowing they will get answers etc.

The truth is; it is the lack of self-confidence that makes it difficult for many people to receive answers from God. Faith has a strong bearing on self-confidence. If you are not confident about your position in the Kingdom, you will be ignorant of what your inheritance is exactly. So how can you ask and receive what you don’t know exists? How can you ask for what you don’t know you deserve? How can you believe you deserve anything when you don’t recognise your worth? How can you be self-confident, without recognizing your worth?

To your success!

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