Thursday, 1 October 2009

When the needed change will come

Oh, how much we have yearned for a change. We read, talk, and dreamt about it. We had a dream for 2010, now we have one for 2020 and within the next 4yrs we expect a lot from our "# point agenda". We are even working towards a greater vision at the moment- we want to mend our reputation or rather erase it. So much hope for the needed change but when should we expect the needed change. Read this post and find out for yourself.

All that is required truly begins with me.... and you! We can decide for the change and only then can we hope to know when the needed change would come. What can you do for your country? There is an urgent need for division of labour in nation-building, in our country. The president and his cabinet, alone, cannot solve the puzzle. But we all can do something, no matter how tangible it may seem at the onset, it can make a big difference in the long run.

You dont need to have control over huge resources to kick-off the needed change in this country. All you need is a good idea, the right mentorship, the courage to be exceptional, the love for your country and wisdom from God. O.k lets get practical:

Do you know that the Government spends billions of Naira in environmental wholesomeness every year? This huge expense could be avoided only if Nigerians can have a change of attitude towards their surrounding. Besides, lives will be saved. You can recruit a group that will ensure domestic wastes in your area are treated and disposed properly. You dont really have to wait for the Government to do that. You will only endanger your health and grow more remorse for the Government. Your group can organise enlightment workshops on environmental wholesomeness, act as a domestic task force and even raise funds.

Unemployment is a major challenge even in developed nations of the world. But the Nigerian press has made it look as if we are the only ones struggling with the problem. In some countries, not only is unemployment the problem, the few who are employed are underpaid and overworked. We, Nigerians, can do something about it. You have to look for a need and fill it, but do it in such a way that you can create value and get paid for it, no matter how little. With good money management skills you might find yourself an employer of labour soon.

I'm just positing that we should opt for a change of attitude towards our coutry. The burden of leadership is one that should fall on the shoulders of all. We ahve to be involved, one way or the other. If the Government cannot provide us the opportunity then we should provide one for the Government. The Government is not the bad guy at the other end but it is made up of Nigerians who simply have greater national responsibility. We should always press for a change but first we must change ourselves. This change will come when we start asking ourselves "What can i do for my country?"

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