Saturday, 7 November 2009

Much ado about what we cannot do

The result of the recent Match between the Golden Eaglet and New Zealand should tell Nigerians that irrespective of the challenge " We Can". This is not just because we scored 5 goals without concealing any or because most of us never saw our goal Keeper up to 10 times in the entire match.The Match is a great pointer because, against what most football analysts, especially the foreign, ones postulated, we had a flawless victory.

The world has always been in the biz of telling us what we can or cannot achieve. The first organization that kicked against the Re-branding project was a foreign media house. They ridiculed the efforts of the Government and even posted a current internet scam by two Nigerians who tried to dupe friends of a notable British politician who was then in the country for a tour. The post was titled "Is that how they intend to Re-brand?" I was pissed off when i read the article.

We are not saying Nigeria is free from scams and fraudsters; but we are saying we are a great nation, with similar socio- economic and -political challenges that are obtainable in other parts of the world. Ours is not of any degree that is so alarming that cannot be experienced in other parts of the world.

More importantly, we are saying we have the chance- we dont need to be given- and we shall make use of it because we can.

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